visible and measurable things. Yang refers to the physiological function of visible things, such as the ability ofhydrochloric acidand enzymes to digest food in the stomach or the function ofthyroxinein regulating metabolism. Physiological function is based on substance. Without substance, there would...
If Day Master isYang Wood, thenYin Water in the birth chart is called Parental Star. If Day Master isYin Wood, thenYang Water in the birth chart is the Parental Star. If Day Master isYang Wood, thenYang Water in the birth chart is called Guardian Star. If the owner of the birth ch...
The "☯" emoji, better known as the "Yin-Yang" or "Taichi" symbol, is a captivating icon that originated from China! The emoji is comprising two teardrop-shaped halves - one black with a white dot, and the other white with a black dot - swirled into a perfect circle⚪. Origina...
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They were raised in the animal room of the Beijing University of traditional Chinese medicine with free access to food and water, natural light. The rats were randomly divided into three groups: normal control group (NC), pneumonia group (P), pneumonia treatment group (PT), 6 rats in each...
Yang et al. found a positive correlation between relative humidity and hypertensive uremia6. Some studies suggest that long-term interactions between high temperature and humidity (HTH) are causing heat waves7 that can trigger public health emergencies. Therefore, it is important to study the ...
6A–C). Terms with the highest gene counts in every category (30 terms in total) are presented as a column chart (Fig. 6D). These findings are summarized in Supplementary Tables S7, S8, and S9. The five most highly enriched BP terms were mainly involved the positive regulation of ...
2. Materials and Methods A flow chart of the analysis steps used in this study is shown in Figure 1. Acquisition and pre-processing of image data along with sampling and laboratory analysis were initially carried out. Secondly, spectral change analysis of multidate satellite images, construction ...
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