GUAN Jianqiang, Zhongri Zhanzheng Lishi Yiliu Wenti de Guojifa Yanjiu [Unsolved Issues from the Sino-Japanese War and International Law]2. In a span of about 500 pages, Guan Jianqiang, who has devoted a substantial amount of time and energy to the field of legal barriers to private claims...
执行KINGDEE帐套清除工具清除,发现还有少量的2006年的单据没有清除完毕,生产领料倒是一个不差都清除了,55555555 不知道这个工具怎么开发的,一点都不好用,遗留的问题总要解决,没办法,自己来处理吧,HOHO! 在SQL2K的查询分析里面执行下列语句: update icstockbill set fcheckerid = null where fdate <'2007- 工具 ...