Next yii\base\InvalidConfigException: Failed to instantiate component or class "yii\bootstrap\BootstrapAsset". in /var/www/project/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/di/Container.php:433 Stack trace: #0 /var/www/project/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/di/Container.php(365): yii\di\Container->getDependencies('yii\boo...
i really don't understand what should be the benefit for developers in the current behavior, you are assuming that if someone is using urlManager he requires to configure cache component or otherwise configure the urlManager "properly". In order to be consistent, it should be the opposite way...
Yii2中采用了两个函数getallheaders,http_get_request_headers 尝试获取请求头。getallheaders函数是函数apache_request_headers的别名。如果函数不存在,再通过_SERVER获取。_SERVER获取请求头,将下划线转换成中划线,首字母大写的请求头。
Returns the database connection used by this AR class. By default, the "elasticsearch" application component is used as the database connection. You may override this method if you want to use a different database connection. public static yii\elasticsearch\Connection getDb ( ) return...
Bug: Fixed Object of class Imagick could not be converted to string in CaptchaAction (eXprojects, cebe) Bug: Fixed wrong behavior of StringHelper::byteSubstr() in some edge cases (cebe) Enh #87: Helper yii\helpers\Security converted into application component, cryptographic strength improved (kl...
基于Yii2 6+bootstrap 3 的基础后台管理系统,仿 java 的若依系统,比较美观、实用。暂时只完成了部分功能,欢迎大家批评教育。 系统演示: 地址 账号:ceshi 密码:123456 下载地址: github: ...
Class instances are obtained in one of two ways: Using thenewoperator to create a new, empty object Using a method to fetch an existing record (or records) from the database Below is an example showing some typical usage of ActiveRecord: ...
*/classCrontabextends\yii\db\ActiveRecord{/** * switch字段的文字映射 *@vararray */private$switchTextMap = [0=>'关闭',1=>'开启', ];/** * status字段的文字映射 *@vararray */private$statusTextMap = [0=>'正常',1=>'任务保存', ...
I have encountered the below error. After browsing the code, it is resolved by updating the config.php as below, 's3' => [ 'class' => \diecoding\aws\s3\Service::class, 'endpoint' => getenv('S3_ENDPOINT'), 'usePathStyleEndpoint' => true, ...
Hello. Having a problem starting the listener. Please see error below... Exception 'yii\base\InvalidConfigException' with message 'Failed to instantiate component or class "queue".' in /Users/dr/MySync/Sites/git/taxiinteractive-api/basic...