Matchmaker marriage broker marriage brokerMatchmaker; marriage broker. (There is the professional type who derives his living from it, but many Jewish women used to engage in matchmaking without compensation only from religious motives) Shain vi di zibben velten Shayn...
it has the same root as “gentle”), but it gained the Yiddish meaning of “she-devil”. The matchmaker in “Fiddler on the Roof” was named Yente (and she certainly was ayentethough maybe not very high-class), so many people mistakenly think thatyentemeans matchmaker....
Maisel (2) Marvin Nissenbaum (1) Marvin Yontef (1) Marx Brothers (7) Mary Poppins (2) Mary Tyler Moore (1) Maryland (1) MASA (1) Masada College (1) Mashup (5) Maskmaker Maskmaker (1) Matchmaker Matchmaker (1) Matchmaking (3) Matisyahu (3) Matkot (1) Matt Monro (1) Matthew ...
The meddling matchmaker in the story is named Yente. The popularity of the musical and movie led to yente/yenta mistakenly entering English and Yiddish vernacular as a word for matchmaker. Language & Humanities is dedicated to providing accurate and trustworthy information. We carefully select ...