utterly irrelevant to how anyone regards my safety. This situation can only be considered a blessing. But in the taxi at that moment, I was struck by the sudden thought that for all its devotion to keeping me free, my native country does not place any particular priority on keeping me ali...
Feffer confronts one of the groups with a heartfelt speech of protest informing visitors of the “wanton theft of our forefathers’ graves” and blessing those who will help stop the travesty from moving forward.MORE IN DEFENDING HISTORY
"I feel really honored to be welcomed into this 'mishpucha,' and it's a blessing," Mason said.
(31) Prayer for Government (1) Prayer for the IDF (6) Prayer for the State of Israel (4) President Reuven Rivlin (2) President Trump (3) Presidential Election (1) Presidential Inauguration (1) Priest (1) Priest and Rabbi Joke (3) Priestly Blessing (2) Prince Harry (1) Prince of ...
(33) Prayer for Government (1) Prayer for the IDF (6) Prayer for the State of Israel (5) President Reuven Rivlin (2) President Trump (3) Presidential Election (1) Presidential Inauguration (1) Priest (1) Priest and Rabbi Joke (3) Priestly Blessing (2) Prince Harry (1) Prince of ...