易到用车客户端是一款基于手机移动平台的网上订车软件,具有下单、 查询订单、搜索车型等常用功能,为用户提供快捷方便的手机订车新体验。更新时间:2024-10-25 14:45相关专题 易到用车 v8.7.10 等级: 2024-08-06 20:40 下载 易到用车是一款中国较大的专车服务平台软件,让你用过就再也不想打车!机场接送,日常...
加载中...申请加盟 主要产品:服务 公司名称:易到用车总部 成立时间:2010-05-05 加盟区域:全国 经营方式:区域开发,二级特许,其 投资人群:现有公司增项,毕业生创业,不加盟介绍 加盟优势 加盟流程 加盟条件 加盟介绍 易到用车是具创立商业价值的汽车共享互联网预约车服务平台,是提供专乘约租车服务的电子商务网站。易到...
Founded in May 2010, Yidao Yongche started its cab-hailing business in China two years earlier than the current industry leader Didi. In 2014, Yidao Yongche had a market share of over 50% in China. Yidao Yongche gradually lost its advantages as it decided to not burn cash to heavily sub...
In last March, five months after taking investment from LeEco, YidaoYongche made up the decision to become the second best player in the cab-hailing sector and announced the concept of the ecosystem of cabs. While the company’s rivals were lowering the subsidy amount, YiDao continued to cha...
In last March, five months after taking investment from LeEco, YidaoYongche made up the decision to become the second best player in the cab-hailing sector and announced the concept of the ecosystem of cabs. While the company’s rivals were lowering the subsidy amount, YiDao continued to cha...
这是易到用车的第三轮融资,百度参与,美国高通、宽带资本、携程等均有投资。... 特别声明:本页面标签名称与页面内容,系网站系统为资讯内容分类自动生成,仅提供资讯内容索引使用,旨在方便用户索引相关资讯报道。如标签名称涉及商标信息,请访问商标品牌官方了解详情,请勿以本站标签页面内容为参考信息,本站与可能出现的商标...
Chinese ride-hailing firm Yidao Yongche announced that it has brought in a new investor which will replace LeEco as controlling stakeholder of Yidao.