Hence, the Star of David is used in Black Magic by people that have been taught to defile its true meaning in occult rituals by the Imposter Spirit and NAA. This is to prevent the true meaning of its use to inspire unity in human beings. During the time that Franklin D. Roosevelt was...
This chapter discusses the meaning of YHWH in the Bible, with specific attention devoted to the two theophanies which tie God's revelation to a proclamation of His name: one in Exodus 3 and the other in Exodus 32–34. Combining philological, literary, and comparative tools, the chapter ...
An indepth look at the meaning and etymology of the awesome name YHWH. We'll discuss the original Hebrew, plus the words and names YHWH is related to, plus the occurences of this name in the Bible.
Still, here are our clues. Hallelujiah (or Halleluyah) means "Praise God" or "Praise Yah". Meaning that Yah (the YH in the tetragrammaton) is probably the "short" version of God's name and that his full name begins with Yah (i.e. the A is the missing vowel). Next we have th...
The term tetragrammaton (from Greek τετραγράμματον, meaning "four letters") refers to the Hebrew theonym transliterated to the Latin letters YHWH .For Jewish people YHWH is the most holy name of God, as written in the ancient Hebrew language. The language has no vowels...
We’re going to look at the second key word here, “LORD,” written in all capital letters. This is the personal name of Israel’s God. The Personal Name of the God of Israel [00:29-01:32] We first learn the meaning of this name in the story of Moses and the burning bush in...
The meaning of this claim is clarified thereafter, when the prophet accounts for the future coming of four “saviors” of Israel sent by YHWH, and identified as חָרָשִׁים “smiths” (Zech 2:3–4). In a later vision (Zech 6:1–5), Zechariah sees four flying ...
“horn” or the uraeus. The Hebrews built the altars with a uraeus (image of an upright spitting cobra, who was the deity Wadjet) on each of the 4 corners, and, to make sure that all understood the meaning of the uraeus, they carved the image of YHWH as a snake on this altar. A...
Nachor/Nahor, according Genesis, was a son of Terah and brother of Abraham. It is also the name Laban’s city and the name of the god of that city. (Laban is the father of Rebecca who became the wife of Isaac.). Nahor’s name has caused much consternation as the meaning is ‘...
The confusion arises from the names Gihon and Pishon. The meaning of Gihon may derive from the Egyptian word q3H (N29-D36-V28-D41-N23) which means ‘a bend in the stream’ which may indicate that the Gihon turns into another body of water. The word Pishon is also Egyptian (pSn –...