Hence, the Star of David is used in Black Magic by people that have been taught to defile its true meaning in occult rituals by the Imposter Spirit and NAA. This is to prevent the true meaning of its use to inspire unity in human beings. During the time that Franklin D. Roosevelt was...
On the other hand, perhaps the name YHWH means Tom, Dick or Harry in a language that has slipped out of the collective human consciousness and we are left with the echoes of a revelation that was as sincere and confidential as the word abba: daddy. YHWH meaning After all this it should...
Still, here are our clues. Hallelujiah (or Halleluyah) means "Praise God" or "Praise Yah". Meaning that Yah (the YH in the tetragrammaton) is probably the "short" version of God's name and that his full name begins with Yah (i.e. the A is the missing vowel). Next we have th...
The meaning is, this incident is what God is saying, in other words, with this incident God speaks and reveals his mind, saying, בקרובי אקדש. According to Ehrlich, the words ‘הוא אשר דבר ה do not refer to a past divine statement...
In dialogue with postmodern literary theorist Julia Kristeva and Russian formalist Mikhail Bakhtin, a method of incarnational intertextuality was developed in addressing the problem of the roles of author and reader in the production of meaning. Such method approaches the text as a multi-dimensional ...