这是在强调:道不是神的造物,而是存在于神本身的存在之中,“他是神荣耀所发的光辉”(来1:3)。他具有完全的神性——“道就是神(and the Word was God)”(约1:1)。他不是有开始的存在,而是”自有的(I AM)“(约8:58)。这一点很清楚:如果道也是神的造物,而”凡被造的,没有一样不是借着他造的“...
【英译】god (词源是印欧词根里的* ghau(ə),意思是呼喊to call)因为犹太人亡国后忘记了希伯来语,YHWH就只有辅音,没有元音,无法读出了,所以《约翰福音》第一章第一节说:“Ἐν ἀρχῇ ἦν ὁ λόγος, καὶ ὁ λόγος ἦν πρὸς τὸν θεό...
YHWH 英[ˈjɑ:wei,-vei] 美[ˈjʊdˈhɑˈvɑvˈhɑ, ˈjɑwe, ˈjɑwɛ] 释义 n. (=YHVH)耶和华 英英释义 Noun 1. a name for the God of the Old Testament as transliterated from the Hebrew consonants YHVH
First recorded in 1860–65; from Hebrew yhwh “God” Discover More Example Sentences One can be devoted to something — a band from the ’90s, surfing, YHWH— without being able to put that devotion into words. From New York Times Word of the DayMarch 09, 2025 wakerife [weyk-rahyf]...
Define YHWH. YHWH synonyms, YHWH pronunciation, YHWH translation, English dictionary definition of YHWH. also YHVH or JHVH or JHWH n. The Hebrew Tetragrammaton representing the name of God. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth
And YHWH God appointed a plant, and made it come up over Jonah, that it might be a shade over his head, to save him from his discomfort. 耶和华神安排一棵蓖麻,使其发生高过约拿,影儿遮盖他的头,救他脱离苦楚; dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Therefore now, O YHWH , take my life from me, ...
YHWH 英/ˈjɑ:wei,-vei/美/ˈjʊdˈhɑˈvɑvˈhɑ/生词本:添加笔记: 有奖纠错 | 划词 英汉-汉英词典 n.(=YHVH)和华 近义、反义、联想词 词 n. God,Supreme Being 联词 Yahweh和华;Jehovah和华;Deuteronomy申命记;Hebrews希伯来书;Moses摩西;Hebrew希伯来人,犹太人;Israel以色列;prophet先知...
The new version was nearly identical to the original, except for one not-so-minor detail: The depiction of God was replaced with four Hebrew letters spellingYHWH.— Jonathon Keats,Forbes, 29 Oct. 2024This is because the ancient Hebrew name for God, Yahweh orYHWH, when written resembles four...
2024 This is because the ancient Hebrew name for God, Yahweh or YHWH, when written resembles four ones. Naydeline Mejia, Women's Health, 7 Aug. 2023 Word History First Known Use 1862, in the meaning defined above Time Traveler The first known use of YHWH was in 1862 See more words...