第二季Jon snow最开始俘虏Ygritte的那段,猝不及防地代了ec,查被绑着走嘴也说个不停,各种言语调戏骚扰守夜人小万,一本正经地让万抱着他睡来取暖,万就真照做了,表面上不为所动实则硬了,查还故意扭着腰说怎么有东西硌着我啊真上床了还嘲笑小万是处男(“You know nothing,Jon snow”),然后小万身体力行地...
Before leaving the camp she playfully steals Jon's sword and makes him chase her into a nearby grotto. Ygritte starts undressing, and says that she wants to make sure Jon Snow has truly abandoned his vows. She stands before him naked and kisses him. Jon is hesitant at first, but loses ...
Jon Snow的女..大爱这一对,血色的婚礼已经够虐了,现在Jon这一对也散了,心已死,不知道追这部剧的意义何在
I pledge my life and honor to the Night's Watch, for this night and all the nights to come." 李尔歌 鹰巢天牢 8 这女的在调戏雪诺 布兰史塔克丶 比武大会 10 You know nothing, Jon Snow 213‰ 血月双门 9 总感觉她时女版的冠西哥 emmlwq 鹰巢天牢 8 出来晃荡一下 magicin...
My favorite Jon Snow scene of the season was when he came back to the Wall and spoke to his superiors with her voice. I hope she’s had a lasting influence on him, and he speaks his mind more, and calls people on stuff like she did with him. He’s clearly the one on the ...
in this difficult terrain all her life and you know, she’s very kind of strong willed and I suppose I love that about her. And she bites back. In the scenes Jon Snow and I have, she doesn’t let him kind of have one up on her, she bites back and she fights, which is...