Browsing: Decklists Casual Decklist Competitive Deck Decklists Konami Decklist Master Duel Decklist OCG Decklist Rush Duel Decklist January 28th to January 31st, 2025 [Deck Recipes] By NeoArkadiaFebruary 5, 20253 Four “Quarter Century Trinity Box” Decks Archetype Discussion Casual Decklist ...
4th Place: Releaser Clausolas Dragun Spoiler === 5th Place: Trains Spoiler 130th Oretachi Toreca-Bu CS, 01/21/2020, 33 Players === 1st Place: Mekk-Knight Spoiler === 2nd Place: Cyber Dragon Spoiler === 3rd Place: Endymion Spoiler === 4th Place: ...
While I haven’t done this in previous deck strategy articles, I think this may be an important addition and definitely something to talk about. The essential thing I need to say here is this: T.G. Synchro variants will keep getting better as they add possible Synchros to its arsenal. Ma...
“Dragonmaid” Deck “Dark Magician” Deck “Volcanic” + “Machina” Deck Master Duel (Diamond Tier): “Zoodiac” Deck “Infernoid” Deck “Swordsoul” Deck “Salamangreat” Deck
3rd Place, Player A: Orcust Spoiler === 3rd Place, Player B: Thunder Dragon Spoiler === 4th Place, Player A: Thunder Dragon Spoiler === 4th Place, Player B: Thunder Dragon Spoiler 4th Shige CS Final, 03/10/2019, 27 Players === 1st Place: Subterror Spoiler ===...
Fire King Consort Ulkanix in a Fire Fist Deck and a Manndium + Fire King Deck New Product Deck: “Fire Fist” Deck Featuring “Fire King Consort Ulkanix” 3 Fire…
Casual DecklistDecklistsKonami DecklistOCG Decklist August 5th, 2023 [Deck Recipes] ByNeoArkadiaAugust 6, 20230 Inti + Quilla Deck with Dark Hole Dragon; Supreme King + Magician Deck Master Duel [Master Duel] More Summon and ace monster animations ...
Deck 2: “Magikey” Deck 3 Magikey Mechmusket – Batosbuster 3 Magikey Mechmortar – Garesglasser 1 Elemental Grace Doriado 3 Maginificent Magikey Mafteal 3 Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands 1 Clavkiys, the Magikey Skyblaster 1 Luster Dragon ...
Beginner Deck: “Elementsaber” Deck 1 Phosphorage the Elemental Lord 1 Windrose the Elemental Lord 2 Elementsaber Lapauila Mana 2 Elementsaber Molehu 2 Elementsaber Lapauila 1 Elementsaber Malo 1 Elementsaber Nalu 2 Elementsaber Makani
“Tearlaments” Deck “Subterror” Deck “Kashtira” Deck “Unchained” Deck “Labrynth” Deck Instructor Event Decks: “Naturia” Deck 1 Lava Golem 1 Dinowrestler Pankratops 1 Aussa the Earth Channeler 1 Naturia Hydrangea 3 Naturia Camellia ...