VIBE THE NEW FLOW. YG Entertainment의 새로운 흐름이 될 수 있다면. APPLY AUDITION!
Basically, if you wanna join YG Entertainment, you have to be flawless & perfect! x) 3 weeks later... Guest winniepooh4ever Guests PostedFebruary 3, 2010 i tried the online audition for JYP. didnt i really was considering SM... Guest summerfall Guests PostedFebruary 3, 2010 ...
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Akdong musican said, “We believe that YG Entertainment would be the best agency to support our music. We want to produce good music in the great environment that YG provides for their musicians.” The biggest reason Akdong Musician chose YG as their agency seems to be that the two artists...这个事Online Audition 的 e-mail。我只有这个e-mai 俞灏明 天娱 韩国Doremi公司间有什么关系?? 韩国Doremi公司是灏明的唱片公司,灏明也是在韩国培训的。至于天娱就是灏明经纪人公司。一般情况下,艺人都是跟着经纪人公 <阿里巴巴>_spg减速机官网,各种设备型号齐全,低价抢购 <阿里巴巴>spg减速...
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