Check the new CR8E spark plug's gap, using a gap tool. Your YFZ450 requires a gap range of 0.028- to 0.031-inch. If the spark plug gap is not within this range, bend the spark plug's electrode slightly with the gap tool and recheck the gap. Step 7 Screw the spark plug into the...
YFZ450R:d 供应商信息 公司地址厦门市海沧区海沧大道893号1803单元统一社会信用代码913502056647440962 组织机构代码66474409-6注册资本1000万人民币 营业期限39878-02-24至89877-10-22经营状态存续 公司类型有限责任公司(自然人投资或控股)成立日期2007-11-29 ...