We investigate the effects of the √5×√5 Fe vacancy ordering on the orbital and magnetic order in (K,Tl,Cs)yFe2−xSe2 using a three-orbital (t2g) tight-binding Hamiltonian with generalized Hubbard interactions. We find that vacancy order enhances electron correlations, resulting in ...
Two iron-chalcogenide superconductors Li_x(C_5H_5N)_yFe_(2-z)Se_2 and Cs_xFe_(2-z)Se_2 in the as-prepared and annealed state have been investigated by means of the Moessbauer spectroscopy versus temperature. Multi-component spectra are obtained. One can see...
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首页 《大暑》 经书聊枕籍,瓜李漫浮沉。经书聊枕籍,瓜李漫浮沉。意思:经书聊枕籍,瓜田李下弥漫沉浮。出自作者[宋]曾几的《大暑》 全文赏析 这是一首描写夏日生活,抒发时光感慨的诗。整体而言,诗歌通过对夏日炎热、清风难觅的描绘,再对比经书满枕、瓜李浮沉的悠闲生活,表达了作者对炎炎夏日中静谧生活的享受,同时...
Two iron-chalcogenide superconductors Lix(C5H5N)yFe2 zSe2 and CsxFe2–zSe2 in the as-prepared and annealed state have been investigated by means of the Mssbauer spectroscopy versus temperature. Multi-component spectra are obtained. One can see a non-magnetic component due to iron located in ...
-, 视频播放量 38709、弹幕量 216、点赞数 45、投硬币枚数 2、收藏人数 22、转发人数 8, 视频作者 YeeKar, 作者简介 发过个人直拍的都是我推,特别玻璃心,嘴见会被拉黑删评:) ,相关视频:绝对美貌-新澈单人cut(Starlightboys第二期),01-2,BIGBANG大声要笑翻了!《FANT