账户名称:萬通保險國際有限公司/YF Life Insurance International Limited;账户号码:10015-200005-1(港币)/10021-000389-9(美元)/10015-100006-6(澳门币),付款账号与收款账号的币种一致,例如付款币种是港元,收款账号也选港元;国际银行代码(Swift Code):LUSOMOMX银行地址:Avenida Dr. Mário Soares, n.º 47, Mac...
We are YF Life. Plan for yourself & your beloved ones Previous FLEXI-ULife Prime Saver FLEXI-ULife Prime Saver Next iShop Your insurance is just a click away More Details Exchange Rates Please select the Policy Currency and Payment Currency type, and then input the Policy Currency Amount. Th...
YF Life combines visionary leadership with emerging FinTech opportunities. Our technology-enhanced approach offers competitive global insights and insurance intelligence to individuals and families in Hong Kong, the Greater Bay Area, and beyond. We’re evolving to take on the future of insurance, but...
YF Life Insurance International Limited (YF Life) is thrilled to announce its full support for the organizer AllRightsReserved (ARR) in bringing the largest panda exhibition in Hong Kong, "PANDA GO! FEST HONG KONG". This joyful event not only brings visual enjoyment to the public but al...
YF Life Insurance International Limited is a Hong Kong company. The business registration number is 04472576 now renamed as YF Life Insurance International Limited. Registered in Wan Chai, located on the Lockhart Road. It has been operating for 49 year
高達90%現金價值的貸款額,助你靈活調動資金,財務周轉更輕鬆 投保年齡﹝以上次生日年齡計算﹞ 18-65 保障年期 至100歲 下載產品冊子 致電我們(852) 2533 5555 其他人壽產品 Previous 無條件人壽保障計劃 首選靈活萬用壽險計劃 尚悅人生壽險計劃 尚裕終身壽險 ...
“HPE is proud to be playing a critical role in the YF Life transformation at every level of the business. HPE’s unique edge-to-cloud platform-as-a-service offerings provide YF Life with a strong platform to ‘own the future’ as a high tech, sustainable insurance company in H...
as well as MPF services. YF Life offers flexible and innovative insurance solutions, such as the award-winning lifetime annuity plan. Thanks to its unique product advantages, YF Life is the only company in Hong Kong to have been recognized as Best-in-Class/Outstanding...
as well as MPF services. YF Life offers flexible and innovative insurance solutions, such as the award-winning lifetime annuity plan. Thanks to its unique product advantages, YF Life is the only company inHong Kongto have been recognized as Best-in-Class/Outsta...
The OutSystems platform enables YF Life to speed up workflows from weeks to days and eliminates over 100 types of physical forms Hong Kong,Aug. 17, 2022/PRNewswire/ -- OutSystems, a global leader in high-performance application developm...