English yew, (Taxus baccata), (all three are lumber trade names), an ornamental evergreen tree or shrub of the yew family (Taxaceae), widely distributed throughout Europe and Asia as far east as the Himalayas. Some botanists consider the Himalayan form t
Theyewgenus represents many varieties of evergreen trees and shrubs that are easy to care for and can tolerate a wide range of growing conditions. These plants are highly adaptable for landscaping and make a nice addition to a garden border or when used in a mass planting. Yew, with its c...
Yewsare evergreen shrubs or trees with alternate branch and reddish brown, thin, scaled bark. They are common as ornamental hedging and ground covers. The yew is often brought indoors at Christmas and used as decoration. Aqueous extracts of the yew have been used for years in Native American...