Yeti Pro 是首款具有 24 bit/192 kHz 数字录音精度的麦克风,带有模拟 XLR 输出。Yeti Pro,市场上最高精度的 USB 麦克风,提供 XLR 录音,在专有的三重阵列中带有 Blue 定制的电容舱,为录音棚和桌面录音提供了 4 种灵活的录音方式(心性,全方位,立体声,双指向性)。
Stereo: Captures a realistic sound image, good for musical instruments. Why does my Blue Yeti keep disconnecting? This could be due to a faulty USB cable, an incompatible or malfunctioning USB port, power management settings on your computer, or driver issues. Try using a different cable, plug...