《Yet Another Zombie Defense HD》是一款带有战略/战术元素的俯视视角丧尸射击游戏。在夜晚降临前做好准备——建造防御路障、购买枪械和弹药、架起炮塔并尽可能长时间的保持存活。每晚你的技巧都会受到挑战,黑暗大军的攻势一波强过一波。让他们记住你,一直射击下去直到光荣的死去!
In Yet Another Zombie Defense HD dreht sich alles um den Kampf gegen die Horden der Dunkelheit, die dich jede Nacht angreifen. Du weißt bereits, dass keine Hoffnung besteht und dich die Feinde früher oder später überwältigen werden. Wenn du also schon stirbst, warum dann nicht ...
Yet Another Zombie Defense HD es un shooter de zombis con vista cenital y elementos estratégicos. Prepárate antes de que caiga la noche. Construye barricadas, compra armas y munición, coloca torretas y sobrevive el máximo tiempo posible. Las fuerzas de la oscuridad te pondrán a prueba con...
Yet Another Zombie Defense HD is all about defending yourself against hordes of darkness attacking you every single night. You know this is a lost cause, enemy forces are overwhelming and sooner or later your time will come. So, if you gonna go, do it with style, and pave yourself through...
Yet Another Zombie Defense HD is all about defending yourself against hordes of darkness attacking you every single night. You know this is a lost cause, enemy forces are overwhelming and sooner or later your time will come. So, if you gonna go, do it with style, and pave yourself through...
Yet Another Zombie Defense HD is all about defending yourself against hordes of darkness attacking you every single night. You know this is a lost cause, enemy forces are overwhelming and sooner or later your time will come. So, if you gonna go, do it with style, and pave yourself through...
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Yet Another Zombie Defense HD is a top-down arcade zombie shooter with tactical/strategy elements. Prepare yourself before the night falls - build some defensive barricades, buy guns and ammo, set up turrets and stay alive as long as you can. Each night puts your skills to the test, as ...
简介 《Yet Another Zombie Defense HD》的重点在于保护自己并地域每晚来犯的黑暗大军。 你清楚失败在所难免,敌人有着压倒性的优势,自己的死期只是时间问题。所以,就算要死,也要死的轰轰烈烈,在它们干掉你之前一定要把这些怪物的尸体堆积成山!唯一重要的问题就是,你能够存活多久?
【7.55】PS4《又一个僵尸塔防HD Yet Another Zombie Defense HD》中文版pkg下载v1.05。一款由Awesome Games Studio制作并发行的丧尸生存类游戏,游戏中你要抵抗每天夜里袭击你的黑暗势力,从而保护你自己。 游戏玩法 为了尽可能久地活下去,你可以选择多种武器并将其安装到你的自动炮塔上,也可以设置防御路障。