[hdu7200]Yet Another Easy Function Sum Problem 对原式反演,问题即求∑nd=1μ(d)(∑⌊nd⌋i=1H(id))2∑d=1nμ(d)(∑i=1⌊nd⌋H(id))2设置阈值BB,并对dd和BB的大小关系分类讨论——第一部分对于d≤Bd≤B,记F1(m,t)=∑mi=1H(it)F1(m,t)=∑i=1mH(it),则原式即∑Bd=1μ(d)...
typedef pair<int,int>PII;#definels l,mid,rt<<1#definers mid+1,r,rt<<1|1#defineendl '\n'#definep4 puts("444")constintMAXN = 1e6+10;constdoubleEPS = 1e-12;intn,q;intans[MAXN],sum[MAXN];structnode{intl,r,sx,id; }a[MAXN];boolcmp(node aa,node bb){if(aa.r!=bb.r)...
维护一个前缀\(sum\)和跟前缀和的后缀最大值\(las\),对于枚举到的每一个左端点\(i\),\(las[i]-sum[i-1]\)就是答案。 代码: // Problem: CF1197D Yet Another Subarray Problem // Contest: Luogu // URL: https://www.luogu.com.cn/problem/CF1197D // Memory Limit: 250 MB // Time Lim...
s+=sum[j];if(j % m ==0) s -= k;//这个在判断是不是经过了一个区间,如果经过了就-kans = max(ans, s - MIN);//这个是在判断这个时候枚举的区间左端点和区间右端点是不是可以更新答案if(j % m == m -1) MIN = min(MIN, s);//这个就是在更新区间左端点,只有特定的时刻才可以更新,//...
题目链接:CF1591D「Yet Another Sorting Problem」。 Description Petya has an array of integers a1,a2,…,ana_1,a_2,…,a_na1,a2,…,an. He only likes sorted arrays. Unfortunately, the given array could be arbitrary, so Petya wants to sort it. ...
#P1324B. Yet Another Palindrome Problem Description You are given an arrayaaconsisting ofnnintegers. Your task is to determine ifaahas somesubsequenceof length at least33that is a palindrome. Recall that an arraybbis called asubsequenceof the arrayaaifbbcan be obtained by removing some (...
Second, we revisit the segmented scan approach for SpMV to address the load imbalance problem. We propose a highly efficient matrix-based segmented sum/scan for SpMV and further improve it by eliminating global synchronization. Then, we introduce an auto-tuning framework to choose optimization ...
#P392C. Yet Another Number Sequence ID: 6358 远端评测题 1000ms 256MiB 尝试: 0 已通过: 0 难度: (无) 上传者: Hydro 标签> Description Everyone knows what the Fibonacci sequence is. This sequence can be defined by the recurrence relation: F1 = 1, F2 = 2, Fi = Fi...
Yet Another MTD Question! (udpated) Dropbox File With the forum's help I was able to solve a couple of related questions, but this one has me stumped. The MTD values (BTZ Feed Ozs MTD) do not equal the cumulative daily values (BTZ Feed Ozs). See sheet below: Grand Total MTD = 37...
go.sum Breadcrumbs yet-another-cloudwatch-exporter / CHANGELOG.md Latest commit cristiangreco Prepare changelog for v0.41.0-alpha. (#701) f597a41· Oct 27, 2022 HistoryHistory Breadcrumbs yet-another-cloudwatch-exporter / CHANGELOG.mdTop File metadata and controls Preview Code Bl...