And when we read a second time, once we understand, there are some connections between Messiah, Passover, Temple sacrifices, and the eyewitness experience of the Beloved Disciple that add new layers of meaning to Yeshua as our Passover. Lamb of God #2 ... Read entire article >> ...
Although the fall of humanity caused enmity between Man and his Creator, the same fall also caused enmity between Man and his fellow Man. This enmity can be seen from the first few pages of the Bible throughout, in cases such as Cain & Abel, Ishmael & Isaac, Esau & Jacob, Leah & Ra...
Guardian Yeshua came to the earth plane with his genetic equal Wife, Mary Sophia holding theStaffand with a large Sirian ground crew. Underground portals were used for EgyptMelchizedekInitiations for Ascension out ofStargates, as well as inAmarnawhereAkhenatonhad left information for them in the ...
events in the first century who has been sent to speak to you -- and in answer to your prayers for greater understanding, to convey certain essential truths that only an actual witness could write -- I will convey to you a spiritual meaning to the scriptures that you never imagined ...
In the beginning of the Bible in Genesis 14, God provided a foreshadowing of Messiah Yeshua as the coming righteous Messiah through His first earthly king —Melchizedek, מַלְכִּי־צֶ֙דֶק֙, meaningKing of Righteousness, or myKing is Righteousness. ...
How can the Bible be the Foundation of the promises of the Church with respect to Heaven and Eternal Life, when the Words spoken by God to mankind has been corrupted in order to change the message and meaning? These are questions that every Christian believer will be confronted with when ...
Meaning of Yeshua According toBlair Parke from, There are several definitions of Yeshua that can be found in Hebrew and Aramaic biblical text, taken from the Hebrew verb, Yasha, that means “to deliver, save, or rescue,” and also stated as “Yehoshua.” Pron...
The Hebrew word for joy in this psalm is rinah (רִנָּ֑ה), meaning a ringing cry of exclamation or praise. One day, our sacrificial One, Yeshua, will return like the sower did and reap the reward for His labor—He will gather us to Himself, much like a bridegroom ...
We have provided cited Scriptures in these writings, but you are encouraged to look them up in yours and other Bible translations also.You will also find Scriptures that have not been cited and we encourage you to read these to find a richer and fuller meaning from God’s own word....
Numbers have meaning in scripture. Why are there two cherubim and not some other number like three? In context, two cherubim suggests the number of witness. A requirement of Mosaic law says let every fact be established by two or more witnesses (Deut 19:15). The cherubim are bearing witnes...