Steve VanHove Great video, Derek. You are so right about hitting the prospect with *everything* and over-explaining! Btw I caught the reference to Mr T. Where are your chains? Reply Rohit Gupta You’re right in the hypothesis of diluting the less-quality content with the ‘awesome’...
English Version: Hackintosh long-term maintenance model EFI and installation tutorial今天采用关键词OPENCORE搜索的方式,采用最近更新排序,搜索了前10页的维护信息,再筛出未进入清单,但维护得不错得REPO,更新时间只是最近2天得,肯定又很多漏的,一一核对很费精力,readme文档内内容太多,整理了一下思路,列出列出了...
English Version: Hackintosh long-term maintenance model EFI and installation tutorial今天采用关键词OPENCORE搜索的方式,采用最近更新排序,搜索了前10页的维护信息,再筛出未进入清单,但维护得不错得REPO,更新时间只是最近2天得,肯定又很多漏的,一一核对很费精力,readme文档内内容太多,整理了一下思路,列出列出了...