This complete collection• includes all three seasons of Yes Minister, but not the two later seasons of Yes, Prime Minister•. It’s well worth watching. For one thing, unless it’s done in a very safe district this runs the risk of losing a vote in the Senate or the House, since...
学院奖加身的电影人亚历克斯·吉布尼(Alex Gibney)与奥菲莉亚·哈鲁图尼扬(Ophelia Harutyunyan)和苏珊·希林格(Suzanne Hillinger)共同执导,在《完全受控》中审视了该问题及其破坏性影响。 通过来自公共卫生官员的谴责证词和严厉的调查性报道,吉布尼揭露了由于总统领导层的严重玩忽职守而导致的全系统崩溃。 美国需要一代人...