17 Morse Carbine_ If the Army Says No, Sell 11:16 Musgrave 9mm_ A Gun for the Black Market 11:58 Musgrave Ambidex_ Straight Pull Rimfire 08:35 Mosin_Nagant(720p) 14:14 Nazi Belt Buckle Pistol - YouTube (2) 07:48 Nazi Belt Buckle Pistol - YouTube 12:55 Negev LMG The Israeli ...
Two strains isolated from Vietnamese waters were able to produce low level (<1 fmol/cell) of GTX1, 2, 3, 4 and NeoSTX with STX, respectively (Nguyen-Ngoc, 2004). A strain from the Singapore coast was able to produce unidentified ichthyotoxin but no PSP (Tang et al., 2007). A. ...
Security explained that if we were to develop Kat O, we would be subject to security restraints as tourists were prohibited to go there; or in the case of water sports centres, jet skiing is quite popular in Southeast Asia, but in Hong Kong, if a person holds no local certificates [....
OR HEALTH CARE ADMIN INTERN CORONARY CARE LOG MGT DEV CRS THEATR LOG STUDIES PRG LIGHT WEAPONS INF N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Y N N N N N N N N N Y N N N Y N Y N N N N N N 85 Do not use the below resident education codes for online training ...
4. This blog is primarily for the smaller-scale host, registered, paying their taxes, advertising through the holiday websites, and offering rooms or suites on their property. If you notice a vital omission please add it to the comments! We are in a sub-section all our own, sink or swi...
Tensor2Tensor, or T2T for short, is a library of deep learning models and datasets designed to make deep learning more accessible and accelerate ML research.T2T was developed by researchers and engineers in the Google Brain team and a community of users. It is now deprecated — we keep it ...
curiosityThe job was not very well paidShe took it just out of interest I really have no excuseI did it out of carelessness and stupidity2021/7/2422Then you probably would have been going out with a black guy.(30)More examples for the pattern “would have been doing sth”in the subju...
俘获 fúhuò, [俘獲], to capture (enemy property or personnel)/capture (physics: absorption of subatom...抓获 zhuāhuò, [抓獲], to arrest获准 huòzhǔn, [獲准], to obtain permission获奖者 huòjiǎngzhě, [穫獎者], prize-winner/laureate获悉 huòxī, [獲悉], to learn of sth/to ...
倅 cuì, auxiliary/spare/deputy/second/sub- 崒 cuì/zú, jagged mountain peaks (poetic)/rocky peaks/lofty and dangerous, rocky peaks/loft... 捽 zuó, to seize/Taiwan pr. [zú] 晬 zuì, 1st birthday of a child 椊 zuó, to fit a handle into a socket/a plug or cork 焠 cuì, to ...
瞎 xiā, blind/groundlessly/foolishly/to no purpose 瞒 mán, [瞞], to conceal from/to keep (sb) in the dark 眠 mián, to sleep/to hibernate 睁 zhēng, [睜], to open (one's eyes) 泪 lèi, [淚], tears 盾 dùn, shield/(currency) Vietnamese dong/currency unit of several countrie...