Love in the limelight! The hit Boys’ Love light novel (and anime film) is now a manga. Kunieda Kei is the up-and-coming Prince Charming of the evening news, but inside, he’s anything but princely. He’s brash, hot-tempered, and prickly as can be. For
The centre piece of any anime is its cast of characters that drives the plot and draws the audience into it. Would you like to add the characters for the anime “Yes, No, or Maybe??” We have a special section for characters and a dedicated team for it, which will help you if the...
Reviews ofYes, No, or Maybe? GAR GAR Stegosaurus:Vol 1 Anime Adaptation MAL Entry— Film Adaptation. Release date TBA Note: Adapted volumes ? to ? of the light novel series Manga Adaptation None If you likedYes, No, or Maybe?, you might also want to try… Sarazanmai— LGBT+ Adachi an...
不幸地,以今天平的组织, mangaers有funtional并且管理responsibilites,人发展全部对经常下跌受害者到重的工作量。 一位经理在resarch小组由送他的最佳的人逻辑是值得怀疑的在develoment路线, `只看另一departemmnt或,更坏的平静偷猎的他们,另一frim’。 对丢失的高空飞行家的这恐惧在组成研究小组的组织跑深深。[...