# 需要导入模块: from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QMessageBox [as 别名]# 或者: from PyQt5.QtWidgets.QMessageBox importYes[as 别名]defon_btnEnDisPin_clicked(self):try:ifself.hw_sessionandself.hw_session.hw_client:ifself.pin_protectionisTrue:# disableifself.queryDlg('Do you really want to disab...
5月前 2100阅读 2 PySide6开发桌面程序,PySide6入门实战(上) (1)为什么用PySide而不是PyQtPyQt是由 Riverbank Computing 公司开发,出现的比较早;它采用GPLV3许可证和商业许可证;这表 pyside6 ide 自定义 QT 原创精选 秃了也弱了 5月前 7387阅读 ...
help improve Anaconda Navigator. This shows up despite clicking "Ok, and don't ask me again". I've tried both with and without "Yes, I'd like to help improve Anaconda" checked and have tried clicking the plain "ok" button as well. The message keeps coming back no matter what I do...
序列化技术:JSON、BSON、Thrift、Avro、Google Protocol Buffers NoSql:Apache Hadoop、Apache Casandra、MongoDB、Apache CouchDB、Redis、BigTable、HBase、Hypertable、Voldemort、Neo4j MapReduce相关:Hive、Pig、Cascading、Cascalog、mrjob、Caffeine、S4、MapR、Acunu、Flume、Kafka、Azkaban、Oozie、Greenplum 数据处理:R...