I'm watching Yes Minister on DVD, not much changes does it! 😂 So much seems relevant today. OP posts: See all Quote Thanks Add post Share Report BiscuitlyBoyle · Today 20:03 I rewatched it about 3 years ago and it was all relevant. I remember at the time that Thatcher loved...
announced last month it had had its plum-sized “moon” rock tested, only to discover it was a piece of petrified wood, possibly from Arizona. The museum said it inherited the rock from the estate of a former prime minister.
Nobusuke Kishi's grandson, Shinzō Abe, Japanese Prime Minister for 9 years between 2006 and 2020, aggressively remilitarised Japan and pushed forward the supranational deep state agenda. He was assassinated in 2022. COVID-19During the COVID-19 deep event, the Japanese health authorities appeared...