The Dataset used for this Capstone Project comes from the Kaggle Yelp Dataset Challenge at: Data Dictionary for Yelp Reviews Dataset: FeatureTypeDatasetDescription business_id object Yelp Reviews Unique ID Key for each Restaurant user_id object Yelp...
defremote_json_loader(filename):"""Load JSON from a remote data store."""sf=gl.SFrame.read_csv(filename,delimiter='\n',header=False)returnsf.unpack('X1',column_name_prefix='')defgen_data_url(s3,bucket,dataset):s3_dir=s3.get_bucket(bucket)s3_urls=['/'.join(['s3:/',s3_dir.nam...
In the second dataset, businesses that were caught soliciting fake reviews through a sting conducted by Yelp were used. The second data set provided support for the use of filtered reviews as a proxy for review fraud and also to shed further light on the incentives to leave fake reviews. It... github .net 原创 TechOnly 2022-07-19 11:53:16 341阅读 CloudNative Weekly|从Mesos转向Kubernetes,Yelp开源Cluste Kubernetes社区版本最新动态上周随着1.17rc1 Release的发布,社区code freeze也已经结束。