Yellow Stripe-Like (YSL) proteins are involved in the uptake and transport of metal ions. They play important roles in maintaining the zinc and iron homeostasis in Arabidopsis, rice (Oryza sativa), and barley (Hordeum vulgare). However, proteins in this
These ferric-phytosiderophore complexes are transported across the plasma membrane by a protein produced from Yellow Stripe 1 ( YS1 ). Here, we report the characterization of OsYSL16 , one of the YS1-like genes in rice. Real-time analysis revealed that this gene was constitutively expressed ...
货号:2C9218 规格:CASE 报价:¥5623.00 商品描述 (BAXTER) ANESTHESIA SET UNIVERSAL 73INYELLOW STRIPE FOR EASY IDENT SKU:2C9218 微信号 15221999938 联系我们 上海金畔生物科技有限公司 电话:021-50837765 手机:15221999938 网址:
GCAT genesT A C G GCAT Article The Yellow Stripe-Like (YSL) Gene Functions in Internal Copper Transport in Peanut Jing Dai 1,2,†, Nanqi Wang 1,†, Hongchun Xiong 3, Wei Qiu 1 , Hiromi Nakanishi 2, Takanori Kobayashi 4, Naoko K. Nishizawa 2,4 and Yuanmei Zuo 1,* 1 Key Lab...
It is also high in protein, with 25 grams per 100-gram serving. They have also become fish that is successfully farmed. They can be grown in tank and pond systems and tolerate a wide range of water quality and temperature conditions. Commercial harvest of yellow perch averaged more than 23...
Fig. 5: Protein domain structures ofTRL23in yellowstripe goby. LRR leucine-rich repeat, LRR-TYP leucine-rich repeat typical subfamily, TIR Toll/IL-1 receptor, LRR-NT leucine-rich repeat N-(nitrogen) terminal, LRR-CT leucine-rich repeat C-(carboxyl) terminal, PDGF platelet-derived growth fac...
Yellow (or stripe) rust, caused by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici (Pst), is predominantly found in temperate regions and propagates mainly through asexual urediniospores produced in uredia on the leaf surface. Pst is becoming more prevalent, possibly due to the evolution of more ...
They tend to have a stripe from the middle of their body to the back, but this can be hard to see on some colorations. Behavior There is some fear of these spiders because Yellow Sacs have been known to bite humans; however, there is little cause for alarm when encountering or even ...
Curie C, Panaviene Z, Loulergue C, Dellaporta SL, Briat JF, Walker EL: Maize yellow stripe1 encodes a membrane protein directly involved in Fe(III) uptake. Nature 2001, 409:346-349.Curie, C., Panaviene, Z., Loulergue, C., Dellaporta, S.L., Briat, J.F. and Walker, E.L....
This counter-counter plant defense can be regarded as a classical effector-triggered immunity (ETI) and in some cases requires, as for bacteria, the mediation of DRB4, which is a dsRNA-binding protein associated with a dicer-like protein 4 (DCL4) to produce virus-specific siRNA [95]. ...