Yellow Oleanders are a beautiful addition to your landscape if you’re looking to brighten your yard with yellow flowers. It’s abushy shrubgrown in temperate to tropical areas—one glance at its deep green glossy leaves gives it away. ...
Bud’s Yellow Dogwood is an excellent choice for winter color. This deciduous shrub can grow to 8 feet tall if unpruned, or kept around 3 or 4 feet with period trimming. It has golden-yellow twigs that bring great color to your winter garden, looking colorful and attractive at a time wh...
Sweetfern (Comptonia peregrina), a 2- to 4-foot-tall shrub, will spread twice as wide as its height. Leaves grow in as a light green color. As the leaves mature, they change to a dark green color. The fragrant leaves resemble fern fronds in shape. Small yellow-green catkin clusters ...