YELLOW ROSE OF TEXAS american sheet music p.1858 Music associated with the Confederate side L Y R I C S There's a yellow rose in Texas That I am going to see. No other soldier knows her No soldier, only me. She cried so when I left her, It like to broke my heart, And if I...
Download print and play Trad. Yellow Rose of Texas Free Sheet music for Treble Clef Instrument |
Yellow Rose of Texas MP3 Format Civil War Music CDs Civil War MP3 The Civil War Songbook This collection of "War Between the States" music has been the standard one in the re-enacting circuit for many years now. The sheet music is published just as it was originally and it contains some...
Each day, as the toll rose—families fragmented, communities decimated—it became all the more obvious the odiousness of the system to which we’d sacrificed: grasping how much we’d inflicted upon our bodies—aching bones and ground teeth and shooting pains about the wrists and dull, persiste...
making it all happy and poppy but still an undeniable beast. The vocals recall Rose Melberg dipped in reverb and left to dry in the summer sun, and these four songs skip merrily down the lane, “Seconds” in particular being something I’d expect to find wrapped up in one of Tony Moli...
music together before. Joel and I had a couple early bands together, and were already friends with Dan. 556 was across the street from Fort Thunder (another warehouse, where Lightning Bolt was based). Joel and I both lived at the Fort earlier. Many of Landed’s other members lived in ...