yellowjacketwasphornettrapjackets MakeYourOwnTrap “YellowJacket”,“Wasp”,and“Hornet”&“Flies” AskDuane(seeDisclaimer)Page1of6 Cheap,Effective,andEasytoBuildTrap: Whatyouneed: 1.1twoliterplasticsodabottle. 2.Stapler 3.Knife 4.Pieceofstringorwire. Directions: 1.Cutthetopoffthebottle,justbelowth...
I saw one more yellow jacket inside with me. I was freaked out and I swatted it with the nearest towel and started to calm down. Three more showed up and my mom had to kill them because I was shaking from fear, not as a reaction to the sting. It turns...