Any travelers from a country with a risk of yellow fever transmission will likely need the vaccine. Even foreign visitors who only spent over 12 hours in the airport of a country with yellow fever might need the vaccine. What is a Yellow Fever Card? For any country with a risk of yellow...
Yellow Fever Vaccination Exemption If your physician confirms there is a medical contraindication to yellow fever vaccination, a medical waiver can be issued. In this case, the provider should fill out and sign theMedical Contraindications to Vaccinationsection of the ICVP (International Certificate of ...
夸张或耸人听闻的报章报道)yellow publication低级趣味、无聊的刊物 yellow news黄色新闻 3、衰败,疾病 yellow blight 萎黄病 yellow fever 黄热病 a yellow flag 正在检疫的船 as yellow as a guinea 面黄肌瘦 4、危险、警示 yellow card (足球裁判对犯规球员出示的)黄牌 double-yellow-line 双黄线 ...
(redirected fromyellow fever vaccine) Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia Related to yellow fever vaccine:typhoid vaccine vac·cine (văk-sēn′, văk′sēn′) n. 1. a.A preparation of a weakened or killed pathogen, such as a bacterium or virus, or of a portion of the pathogen's structure, ...
与yellow有关的短语-回复 1. Yellow submarine (黄色潜水艇) 2. Yellow fever (黄热病) 3. Yellow-bellied (胆小如鼠的) 4. Yellow flag (黄旗) 5. Yellow card (黄牌) 6. Yellow journalism (黄色新闻报道) 7. Yellow pages (黄页电话簿) 8. The Yellow River (黄河) 9. Yellowstone National Park...
yellow card n. A yellow-colored card shown by a referee to a player, especially in soccer, to indicate that the player has committed a flagrant foul. Being shown two yellow cards results in ejection from the game. yel′low-card′v. ...
This card becomes valid 10 days after you receive the vaccination and remains valid for 10 years.Yellow fever vaccine may cause false results on a blood test for rabies or Japanese encephalitis. Tell any doctor who treats you if you have recently received a yellow fever vaccine....
Yellow fever:黄热病,一种由蚊子传播的病毒性感染病。 例句:Travelers to certain regions may need to get vaccinated against yellow fever. Yellow ribbon:黄色缎带,通常用于象征支持军人或表示欢迎。 例句:People tied yellow ribbons around trees to welcome the returning soldiers. Yellow card:黄牌,通常在体育...
yellow fever 黄热病 | 黄热 | 黄急性病 yellow green 黄绿色 | 黄绿 | 黄绿色系 | 黄绿色彩 light yellow 浅黄| 淡黄 Yellow Emperor 黄帝| 黄帝内经 | 指黄帝 | 到黄帝 yellow card 黄牌| 黄牌警告 | 会对犯规球员出示黄牌 | 黄卡 Yellow Book 黄皮书 | 廉价小说 | 只读光盘标准 | 黄书 ...