A yellow brick road style quilt is a simple beginner's pattern and is easy to make. The name of the quilt conjures up images of the Wizard of Oz, and the quilt itself looks like it belongs on the very road that Dorothy followed. While the traditional choice of colors includes yellow-c...
ORIGINAL BOOKS, INC. ORDER FORM P.O. Box 3874, Torrance, Ca. 90510, USA. E-mail: originalbooks@morelight.net Click THIS LINE to go to the ORDER FORM! ORIGINAL BOOKS, INC. DICTIONARY OF INTERPRETED DREAM TERMS OR SYMBOLS abandoned dream symbol; abdomen dream symbol; abhor dream symbol; ...
“Creeping Quilt” makes a little more sense of things, as the pace is chilled, allowing the sax to really marinate over a clumsy two-note groove, and the vocalist seems to have taken to saying words, even if he replaced every vowel with an a. The whole song ends up getting electrocute...