blue blindness n. 第三型色盲,蓝色盲 blindness n. 失明;无知;盲区 yellow adj. 1. 黄色的 2.(轻蔑)黄皮肤的,黄色人种的 3. 胆怯的 n.[U,C] 黄色 v.[T] 使变黄 YELLOW 黄色的 color 【美】=colour blue a. 1. 蓝色的;天蓝色的,蔚蓝的 2.(皮肤等)青灰色的,青紫色的 3.【口】悲伤...
英英释义 confusion of yellow and blue 访问沪江小D查看yellow-blue color blindness的更多详细解释>相关短语 Mauthner's test (检色盲) 毛特讷氏试验 tile blue (浅灰蓝色) 瓦蓝 zenith blue (淡紫光蓝色) 天顶蓝 blue stain (木材上形成蓝色霉斑) 蓝霉斑 Canton blue (紫蓝色陶瓷色料) 广东蓝 chrome red ...
yellow blue color blindness phr. 黄蓝色盲 yellow blindness 黄色盲 blue blindness 蓝色盲 yellow blue dichromacy phr. 黄蓝色盲 yellow blue visual pigment 黄蓝视觉物质 snow blindness n. 雪盲 malingering blindness 伪盲 figural blindness phr. 不能看见图形或轮廓 相似...
Tritanomaly: This is an alleviated form of blue-yellow color blindness, where the S-cones are present but do have some kind of mutation. Blue-yellow color blindness can be observed only very rarely. Different studies diverge a lot in the numbers but as a rule of thumb you could say one...
Noun1.yellow-blindness- a form of dichromacy characterized by lowered sensitivity to yellow light; so rare that its existence has been questioned tetartanopia yellow-blue color blindness,yellow-blue dichromacy- confusion of yellow and blue
Tritanopia is a rare form of blue-yellow color blindness which makes it hard to differentiate between blue and green, purple and red, and yellow and pink.
Define yellowbird. yellowbird synonyms, yellowbird pronunciation, yellowbird translation, English dictionary definition of yellowbird. n any of various birds having a yellow plumage, such as the American goldfinch Collins English Dictionary – Complete a
一种矫正蓝黄色弱色盲的光学装置及其设计方法 An antidote blue yellow color blindness weak optical device and design method本发明公开了一种光学装置的设计方法,其通过选择着色剂及其浓度以及进行矫正蓝黄色弱色盲的透射光谱设计,可以纠正蓝黄色弱色盲者的色觉感知,在提高其蓝黄色彩分辨度的同时保留或微弱改变使用者...
yellow-blue color blindness yellow-blue dichromacy yellow-breasted bunting yellow-breasted chat yellow-brown yellowcake yellow-crowned night heron yellow-dog contract yellowed yellower yellow-eyed grass yellow-eyed grass family yellow-fever mosquito yellowfin yellowfin croaker yellowfin mojarra yellowfin tun...
color blindness 辨色能力的缺陷。有先天性和后天性两大类,前者为遗传性缺陷,后者见于视网膜、脉络膜、视神经或视径的疾病。先天性色觉异常分色盲和色弱两种类型。按照三原色(红、绿、蓝)学说,对一种原色缺乏辨别能力者,称为二色性色觉,包括红色盲、绿色盲和蓝色盲。对两种原色缺乏辨别能力者为一色性色觉即全...