402首精选诗by叶芝William Butler Yeats英文原版pdf(非影印,可转换) 热度: WilliamButlerYeats(June1865–January1939) Achievements&Works Style MaudGonne Poems: “TheLakeIsleofInnisfree” “Whenyouareold” “LedaandtheSwan” “Thesecondcoming” “TheWildSwansAtCoole” ...
Because I seek an image not a book, Those men that in their writings are most wise Own nothing but their blind, stupified hearts. I call to the mysterious one who yet Shall walk the wet sands by the edge of the stream And look most like me, being indeed my double, And prove if al...
William Butler Yeats was one of the most important poets of the 20th century. His work was incredibly influential in Ireland as well as around the world.
William Butler Yeats 英语诗歌理解-叶芝 WilliamButlerYeats (June1865–January1939)•Achievements&Works•Style•MaudGonne•Poems:“TheLakeIsleofInnisfree”“Whenyouareold”“LedaandtheSwan”“Thesecondcoming”“TheWildSwansAtCoole”Achievements AnIrishpoetandoneoftheforemostfiguresof20thcenturyliteratureA...
The most memorable writings are considered romantic visionary writings; romantic meaning looking towards that past and visionary looking towards the future. Throughout the twentieth century these ideas were not very popular or even talked about very often. Yeats had a new approach that drew people ...
25、h low sounds by the shore. He can even build a cabin and stay on the island much as Thoreau, the American Transcendentalist, lived on Walden Pond. During his lifetime it was one of his most popular poems and on one occasion was recited (or sung) in his honor by about two thousa...
these alone are called symbols. Most things belong to one or another kind, according to the way we speak of them and the companions we give them, for symbols, associated with ideas that are more than fragments of the shadows thrown upon the intellect by the emotions they evoke, are the ...
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Too noble for “Socratism,” Plato, the most daring of all interpreters,…took the whole of Socrates like a popular theme and folksong from the streets in order to vary it infinitely and impossibly, specifically into all his own masks and multiplicities. Spoken in...
His first important poem was "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" (1915)。 He also published Prufrock and Other Observations (1917) and his most famous poem The Waste Land (1922)。 As a young man with bitter disillusionment and with boldness in the handling of language, Eliot had explore...