Viking 维京人 是诺尔斯人的一支(斯堪的那维亚人),他们是从公元8世纪到11世纪侵扰并殖民欧洲沿海和英国岛屿的探险家,武士,商人和海盗[1]。其足迹遍及从欧洲大陆至北极广阔疆域,欧洲这一时期被称为“维京时期”(Viking Age)Lithuania 立陶宛与俄罗斯一直在北欧及东欧争雄。昔日曾一度与波兰合邦为波兰立陶宛联邦,后来...
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Crusader Kingsasks you to role-play a leader; in fact many leaders. You never have full control over the situation, because the world moves in real-time around you, and you only have direct influence over the actions of your characters and your armies...
We estimated population-level distributions of haemoglobin concentration by age and sex for each location from 1990 to 2021. We then calculated anaemia burden by severity and associated years lived with disability (YLDs). With data on prevalence of the causes of anaemia and associated cause-specific...
Travel: Scandinavia Bridges the Gap ; Now You Can Travel from Denmark to Sweden by Land for the First Time since the Ice Age, Writes Sarah Barrell By Barrell, Sarah Newspaper article from The Independent (London, England) Article detailsBeginning of article A thousand years ago Viking sailors...
What year did the Viking Age begin? How long did Sulla rule? What era was the Sahelian Kingdoms in? What time period did Hatshepsut rule? How was Canute the king of three countries? What was the Althing during the Viking Age?
Over the past 38 years, Tony has been through a series of Viking suits. “I’ve kept six of them. That’s every one of them, except the first, which was made of paper mache and the head kept falling off.” READ ALSOGeocon revises Gungahlin project but YMCA says it’s still...
Given the age and condition of the vacuum pump, Busch recommended theas the best course of action. This program allows customers to exchange their old pump for a refurbished one, ensuring minimal downtime and continued reliability. Volo Village Meats was pleased with this option, finding it exac...
"Together with other cosmic-ray events, this distinctive feature will allow for the exact dating of many other archaeological and environmental contexts." It’s uncertain whether the 1021 date is near the beginning or end of the Viking occupation, but further research of other wood samples ...
The evidence within the suite of sites for Viking Age or Late Norse chapels is also explored, particularly those bicameral chapels built directly into mounds or areas of earlier material. Finally, the place of chapel-sites in the Lordship and beyond is discussed, with particular ...