Yearly renewableterm life insurance, or YRT, provides one year of insurance that pays a tax-freedeath benefitto the policy's beneficiaries if the insured dies during that 12-month period. Each year (unless the policy owner cancels the coverage or stops paying premiums), the YRT renews at the...
renewable skid 可换滑板 renewable bushing 可换导套 renewable parts 更新部件 renewable point 可换尖 相似单词 renewable a. 可更新的,可恢复的 yearly a. 1.每年的,一年一度的 ad. 1.每年,一年一度 term n.[C] 1.专门名词,名称,术语 2.(一般的)词,名称,词语 3.期,期限 4.任期 5.(工...
yearly renewable term 英 [ˈjɪəli rɪˈnjuːəbl tɜːm] 美 [ˈjɪrli rɪˈnuːəbl tɜːrm]每年续保条件; 每年续保期;每年续保制 ...
yearly renewable term (insurance) 每年续保制(保险); 学习怎么用 权威例句 CHARACTER DISPLACEMENT IN THE RADIOLARIAN GENUS, EUCYRTIDIUM. Common genome-wide patterns of transcript accumulation underlying the wing polyphenism and polymorphism in the pea aphid (Acyrthosip... ...
In the yearly renewable term plan of reinsurance, the primary insurer (the ceding company) yields to a reinsurer itsnet amount at riskfor the amount that is greater than theretentionlimit on a life insurance policy. This plan is areinsuranceinstantiation of ayearly renewable term(YRT), which ...
yearly renewable term 英文yearly renewable term 中文【经】 每年更新期, 每年续约期, (契约)按年度期
1) yearly renewable term 每年续保条件 2) one-year renewable clause 一年续保条款 3) yearly maintenance 每年的保养 4) quadrennial[英][kwɔd'reniəl] [美][kwɑd'rɛnɪəl] 连续四年的时间;每四年一次的事件;第四周年;连续四年的;每四年一次的 ...
1) yearly renewable term 每年更新期 2) per biennium 每两年期 3) climacteric[英][klai'mæktərik] [美][,klaɪmæk'tɛrɪk] 更年期 1. Effect of Needling Method for Regulating Mentality and Tonifying the Kidney on 3β-Hydroxysteroid Dehyrogenase in the Ovary and Adrenal Gland...
But Pag-Ibig Funds president and chief executive officer Darlene Berberabe defended the insurance brokerage, saying that premium payments of Pag-Ibig members went down compared with the rates of its old insurance brokerage, YRT (Yearly Renewable Term) Insurance Pool. Trillanes reveals Binay's 'patt...
必应词典为您提供yearly-renewable-term-plan-reinsurance的释义,网络释义: 每年更新定期保险型再保险;年度续保定期保险型再保险;一年更新定期保险型再保险;