Message from the Board of Directors 第7页 The 2022-2023 school year is important in the development of CWA Middle School, and also a starting point for us to move to a higher level. Over the past year, the school has been committed to providing a quality educational environment and learnin...
“Your decision to censor only LGBTQ+ advocacy sends a message that you consider issues of student equality to be inappropriate and unworthy of recognition,” Eskamani wrote. “This is a dangerous precedent set.” The school board is set to meet Tuesday evening,according to WKMG-TV, an Orland...
Principals' Message 第8页 车智慧 Sophie 初中校长 Middle School Principal 勇往直前 Risk Forward… 祝贺大家顺利完成了本学年。这一年中,全校师生都充分参与到学校的发展过程中。作为校长,我今年也见证了第一届初三学生毕业升入高中。作为一个终身学习 者,我也希望与大家分享自己本年度的一些观察和感想。 一、...