IXL's dynamic maths practice skills offer comprehensive coverage of the Australia year 10 curriculum. Find a skill to start practising!
“35. Each academic year of study, as recognized by the official designated authority in the country of origin, should in general be granted no more than one academic year of recognition. However, this year-to-year comparison may be overruled by other factors, such as education outcomes, or...
SplashLearn is an award-winning learning programme loved by over 40 million children for engaging maths and English practice. Aligned with the National Curriculum in England and Wales.
Also, in terms of curriculum, we introduced a new Primary PE curriculum this year and have plans to launch new Early Years, Key Stage 3, A Level, and IB SEHS curriculars over the next academic year. Our examination ...
National Dissemination of ATLAS: The Evidence-Based High School Drug Prevention Program Coaches and peer leaders attended a one-day training at NFL facilities and were provided with curriculum materials for the 10-session program for their schools. Following this, ATLAS was implemented during the scho...
By contrasting small-group peer learning modules with teacher-led conventional tutorial sessions, we aim to provide insights into their respective influences on learning outcomes and the overall learning experience among 150 first-year medical students. Methods Each group consisted of 50 students. These...
Exploring First Year Composition, now on abbreviated as FYC, as it benefits students outside of the English core curriculum. In what ways does FYC benefit students outside of their English classes? In this first article titled Composition as a Write of Passage by Nathalie Singh-Corcoran, the ...
In a four-year study, a group of science faculty finds that student buy-in to a new curriculum, and therefore satisfaction, increases with each successive undergraduate cohort—and learning gains did not suffer. The researchers say the results of their l
Developing a curriculum framework for global health in family medicine: emerging principles, competencies, and educational approaches Recognizing the growing demand from medical students and residents for more comprehensive global health training, and the paucity of explicit curricula on ... L Redwood-...
ready skills,Barefoot, an organization empowering primary school teachers across the United Kingdom to teach curriculum on computing, andAsociación Conciencia, to help bridge the digital divide among youth in Argentina. In addition to these new partnerships, we continue to support our established partn...