3 From the time that Israel left Egypt until the death of David’s son Solomon —a period of just over 500 years— the 12 tribes of Israel were united as one nation. 3 For di tempu cu Israel a bandoná Egipto te na morto di Sálomon yu di David—un periodo di un poco mas cu...
Can We Ever Leave Egypt? Dr. Erica Brown Many years ago, I tucked into a kosher take-out place and asked the man behind the counter what he could make me in two minutes since I didn’t want to miss my train home from New York. He told me he had something ready and sent me quic...
Because if you want to know what it is that tormented me, and that torments me to this day, it’s seeing that kind of thing on the clothes of the Jews we’re going to kill: a piece of embroidery, coloured buttons, a ribbon in the hair. I was always pierced by those thoughtful ma...
engaging inworshipand study. The leisure hours afforded by the ban against work on the Sabbath were put to good use by the rabbis, who used them to promoteintellectualactivity and spiritual regeneration among Jews. Other days of rest, such as the Christian Sunday and the Islamic Friday, owe ...
It can be considered a season of redemption, since on Nissan 1 the Jewish People were redeemed out of Egypt. The second new year, the New Year for the tithing of animals for the Temple sacrifices, which falls on Elul 1, is no longer observed; however, it does mark the beginning o...
In Judaism the Israelites escaping slavery in Egypt stayed in the desert wandering for forty years, but they also received the Torah at Mount Sinai and did eventually get to the land of Israel. In Christianity, Jesus was tempted by the Devil in the Judean desert. The desert is a place of...
One detail left out of the standard ritual recounting is the existence of Hebrews who decided to remain in Egypt while their brethren escaped to freedom. Life for those who stayed behind, for various reasons, had not been so bad under the Egyptians. ...
Pharaoh’s army had left Egypt, and when the Chaldeans who were besieging Jerusalem heard the report, they withdrew from Jerusalem. / Then the word of the LORD came to Jeremiah the prophet: / “This is what the LORD, the God of Israel, says that you are to tell the king of Judah,...
Joseph would have made a great firstborn Chinese son. His hard work and perseverance had paid off. His position as the “lord of all Egypt” made him one of the most powerful people in the world and a very wealthy man as well. He sends word to his father to come to Egypt, because...
Following the assassination of her husband, King Odenathus, in which she is believed to have been implicated, Zenobia succeeded to power as regent for their young son. Within three years, she extended her rule to all of Syria, to Egypt, and to most of Asia Minor, ostensibly in alliance ...