2004 Year End Review; Surprises in SoCal, IE Sports SceneKitchen, Jay B
一、2019 Year-end Review 最最主要的关键词:变化 1、工作上的变化: 2019年6月底离开待了5年的老东家(E公司),7月1日来到新东家(S公司)开始了新旅程。 离开并不容易,因为已经待了5年,并且是有深厚情谊的5年,所以离开前才会有那么真情流露的farewell letter及好几次热泪盈眶。 新旅程的适应也并不容易: 换...
In a year-end overview, Xinhua News Agency lead reporters from seven major regions worldwide share a Chinese perspective on 2023 and a global outlook for 2024. They discuss international dynamics, hot spots, and tell China's story of synergetic development with all countries. Produced by Xinhua...
五个维度盘点完成度,回顾每月闪光点 | Year-end review 收录于合集#日记 / 感悟 / 生活细碎55个 1月已经过去一周多了 终于要把2021年度总结安排上 主要分为几个板块 * 每月的闪光记忆 - From Jan. to Dec. * 年计划完成度...
is: Year-end review Analysis: Year-end reviewAnalysis: Year-end reviewNEAL CONAN
year-end summary / review annual summary / review 在西方,人们把新年的计划和愿望称为“New Year's resolution”,就是改变过去一年中不健康或自己不喜欢的行为,采取一些全新的做法,如:社交媒体戒断、学习新知、减肥、戒酒、早睡早起等。 你有没有为即将到来的2024年制定“to-do list”呢?
2018 Year End Review 2018年的最后一天,朋友圈里充斥着各种对于2018 年的回顾和新的一年的展望。 在星巴克看了一会书,本来还在犹豫要不要写个总结,这温暖的环境突然让我有了些感慨,生活还是需要些仪式感的,它能唤起我们对内心的自我尊重,也能让我们更好、更认真的去过属于我们生命里的每一天。对过往的一年做...
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Let’s get started on your year end review for this year! 从今年开始写下你的年终总结吧! Take out your life handbook or if you don’t have your life handbook take out any notebook or blank piece of paper. If you have a blog you can copy the questions and answer them in your blog...
3. While we love someone, we need to know that they are just the scenery along our journey, not where we end up. 4. There are countless struggles and challenges in our life. Either we escape and are defeated by it, or we can choose to fight and overcome it. ...