The quest to rescue princess Sita is coming to an end as Rama and his army of monkeys make their final push for victory against the demon king Ravana of Lanka. In the ensuing battle, Rama defeats and disarms Ravana but magnanimously spares his life. Th...
dealmakers were primed for an uptick in activity that would finally put an end to one of the worst M&A bear markets in a decade. Instead, central banks kept rates higher for longer than anticipated, and while some promising megadeals were announced in the first few weeks of the year, ...
Order intake was £2.7bn in the first half, with a book-to-bill of 1.4x. This included major contract renewals in both Combat and Transport as we focused on commercial optimisation to support profitable growth. Our order backlog at the end of the period was £8.9bn, up from £8.5b...
Sale of property in India will be taxed in the year of saleSonu Iyer
Meets 2023 Guidance for Total Revenues, Adjusted EBITDA and Free Cash Flow Reports 2023 Total Revenues of $15.4 Billion, U.S. GAAP Net Earnings of $54.7 Million, Adjusted EBITDA of $5.1 Billion, U.S. GAAP Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities of $2.8
“1MDB”) matter leading to a DOJ / SEC FCPA settlement as previously reported in our2020 Year-End FCPA Update. Pursuant to the agreement, which was finally approved on January 20, 2023, Goldman Sachs agreed to use $79.5 million (minus a 25% attorneys’ fee award) to improve its ...
The Company reported Profit after tax of INR 245 crore at the end of Q1 2023 as compared to INR 149 crore in Q1 2022 on a like to like basis, without any exceptional items. In Q1 2022, INR 293 crore was disclosed as exceptional item in the financial results from the sale of the tur...
After distribution of the ordinary and extraordinary dividend of €2.6 billion, the restated net cash position amounted to €10 billion at the end of June 2024 compared to €11.2 billion at the end of December 2023. A sustainable and responsible model ...
India’s Irom Sharmila speaks during a press conference in 2013. Credit: AP Photo/Tsering Topgyal Human rights activist Irom Chanu Sharmila will end her 16-year-long hunger strike, one of the longest in world, against a Indian controversial law that gives special powers to the Indian armed ...
Net Debt: Standex had net (cash) debt of ($5.3) million on June 30, 2024, compared to ($22.3) million at the end of fiscal fourth quarter 2023. Net debt for the fourth quarter of 2024 consisted primarily of long-term debt of $148.9 million and cash and equivalents of ...