Year End Review of the Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions Chintan Shivir, addressed by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi in February 2023, deliberated on “Improving Pensioners Welfare” and drew up the roadmap of activities of the Dep...
To this end, the dataset was first scaled by the scale function in R to obtain interpretable beta coefficients and then randomly split into k-subsets (i.e. k-fold). The parameter k was set at 10 with three repeats. The base model consisted of age and sex. Next, the other variables ...
It was a painful naming process, culminating in a 90-minute livestream whose net effect was a change in one letter in the name. But in the end, we’re pretty happy with the name: Splice. Splice is a splice, like for film, or DNA—and it’s something tha...
And never has that balancing act of the vice president been more tested than in the aftermath of the #EndSARS protests of October 2020. Osinbajo’s steady hands worked diligently, from behind the scenes, to heal the rift that had taken a generational, anti-government and regional dim...
HW levels mostly occur in two cases, either as a result of the inflow of water from melting snow at the end of winter or as a result of summer storms. Climate change has led to a decrease in snowfall during winter, which in turn reduced the possibility of spring flooding; however, ...
pour lequel 80 M€ seront investis. L'extension s'étend sur une surface de 25 000 m2, avec de nouvelles salles d'embarquement pour accueillir des passagers et de nouvelles salles d'enregistrement et de livraison de bagages. Dans le contexte environnemental que traverse le transport aérien av...