More will be shared on speakers nearer the time, while tickets are expected to be on sale before the end of this year. In December 2022, Xero announced that from 2023, Xerocon will be held as a global event, rotating across different cities, providing more opportunities for its growing comm...
If you’re hiking in fresh snow or in areas with lots of deep snow cover during the winter, you’ll want to bring a pair of snowshoes to prevent sinking in to the snow (aka “postholing”) which is annoying and energy-zapping at best and dangerous at worst. We own these snowshoes ...
“Always evaluate income received close to the end of the financial year and consider delaying invoicing. If payment has been received in advance for services or work that will be provided in the following year, you may be able to defer the recognition of that income to the next financial ye...
The end of February is upon us and that means - for most SA companies - that it's time to wrap up the 2022 fiscal year. We've spoken to a variety of financial managers and accountants to bring you the best advice for a smooth financial year end....
Xero integrates AI to provide small businesses with actionable insights into cash flow trends and forecasts. Human Resources AI Use Cases Human Resources is at the heart of every organization, and AI is transforming how HR leaders attract, engage, and grow talent. From recruiting top candidates to...
The accountant does the usual end-of-month or end-of-year processing, but Xero does the entire “closing the books” thing by itself, automatically. All I do as far as closing goes is set a lock date so that no one accidentally changes things in past periods. Conclusion Closing ...
in transpiration (0.009 ml cm−2min−1). Notable is the fast recovery in transpiration in the end of July, which was most pronounced forC.betulus,and might be related to the concurrent precipitation event during this period, even though this event did not result in a remarkable increase ...
We helped provide xerophytic plants, such as kniphofias, agaves, echiums and yuccas and gave advice to the volunteers and together helped create an attractive drought-resistant Mediterranean garden. Trees and spring bulbs have recently been added, so have a quick look when you come on holiday ...
Electricity can be seen as a perfect concurrency market where profit only exists in the presence of scarcity; on a abstractly normal market the investor would get financial break-even only at the very end of project lifetime. In other words, solar PV is a very unattractive investment from ...
already in the first year he was at the very, very high level. Now with experience, I think he’s one of the best on the grid. Hopefully I can fight a little bit this year, like last year that he started well but then he dropped behind at the end of the year, so we’ll see...