Each year, people are becoming more and more worried about the future of our planet. People are now starting to agree -global warming will certainly make a difference to the world's weather. While some parts of the world may have more floods(洪水),some other parts might have long periods...
Last year, after a winter of practicing skiing on the green tracks for beginners each week, Alicia was french-frying her way down blues and even attempted her first black. That month also witnessed me visiting the mountain more times than in the 15 years combined and I've got myself a ...
Each of these new steps continued to grow my confidence.I am writing this just six months since my journey began and I’ve realised that my biggest obstacle ( 障碍 ) this whole time was myself. It was that voice in the back of my head telling me that one phrase that has stopped so...
根据上文“Our planet is an amazing place, but it needs our help to thrive! That’s why each year on April 22, more than a billion people celebrate Earth Day to protect the planet from things like pollution and deforestation. You can celebrate and protect the planet at the same time.(我...
each with its own supermassive black hole, which formed a binary system. Then a third galaxy got too close, and in the chaos of a three-way merger one of the black holes waskicked outand sent zipping off into space — so fast that if it were in our solar system, it would travel fr...
“Self-Direction,”“Thinking on Paper,” and how to orient to values. I discovered that those projects weren’t moving either because I was not clear on the value I would gain if I acted, or I was motivated by fear, or I was not the main beneficiary. In some, I did not benefit ...
"The important thing for this Earth Day, and each day after, is to raise our collective voice to call for action to ensure every generation to come has a safer, fairer, greener future to look forward to," Ms Smith-Thomas added.
he didn't understand why February 29 couldn't happen each year.like the other 365 days. So much time had passed since his last real birthday, no one remembered this one. Not even his mother. Leroy wondered about all those other leap Day people. were...
Traces of Ho'oleilana have been discovered before. In 2016, the Sloan Digital Sky Survey identified part of its shell-like structure, but the true extent of its size remained hidden until now. Previous work had also failed to link the cosmic bubble with BAOs. ...
【题目】Blu e whales ar e th e largest animals on th e planet, an d each year they undertak e (进行) on e o f th e longest migration (迁徙). After spending th e summer in th e Northeast Pacifi c, th e whales travel thousands o f miles to the ir breeding (繁殖) grounds of...