Despite the fact that the Little Ice Age (LIA) is well documented for the European Alps, substantial uncertainties concerning the regional spatio-temporal
Toronto to go to a UN conference when I was 7. That was cool. Yeah, I think that was my favorite.What I want to be when I grow up:I don’t know if I’ll always be an entrepreneur. I hope I am. But if I’m not, I definitely still want to be in the math and science ...
Meet Sophia Fairweather. She’s a big sister, book lover, and one pretty bright kid. At 5, she approached her dad about starting her own business. Because of her experiences, the now 11-year-old is dedicating her free time—between school and swimming—t
In particular, Xi’an, Chongqing, Nanjing and Hangzhou have very good agreement (Pearson’s correlation coefficients between 0.86 and 0.95) with similar trends between the official inventories and the satellite retrievals. Although data from surface measurements were not available to perform an ...
The Pearson correlation between number of physical activities engaged in at age 15 and leisure-time physical activity at age 23 was 0.21 (p < .01) among males, and 0.23 among females (p < .001), suggesting a moderate association between breadth of involvement in adolescence and later activity...
Table 1 Mantel and partial Mantel tests based on Pearson correlations, with 10⁶ permutations, using Bray–Curtis distances for the microbial communities and Euclidean distances for spatial (latitude, longitude, depth), temporal (day of the year) and physicochemical (flow, irradiance, temperature,...
The correlation between PA, sedentary behaviour, and each sarcopenia parameter (handgrip strength, SMI, and gait speed) was examined using Pearson’s correlation coefficient. First, the relationship between PA and SB and handgrip strength, skeletal muscle index, and gait speed at baseline was ...
Tree canopies are considered to effectively buffer climate extremes and to mitigate climate change effects. Droughts, which are predicted to become more frequent in the course of climate change, might alter the microclimatic cooling potential of trees. H
I read that at the age of 7. Because you start getting some self-awareness, you start realizing if you’re interested in math and science. Many other girls aren’t, or they’re just hiding it. So you think that it’s super weird that you’re interested in it, so you’re kind of...
Toronto to go to a UN conference when I was 7. That was cool. Yeah, I think that was my favorite.What I want to be when I grow up:I don’t know if I’ll always be an entrepreneur. I hope I am. But if I’m not, I definitely still want to be in the math and science ...