Year 6 Year 7 Year 6 Teaching Resources Year Levels Year 6 This collection of Year 6 teaching resources has something for every learning area of the Australian Curriculum. There are Year 6 maths games, worksheets and digital tools that develop skills in number and algebra, measurement and geom...
Year 4 The proficiency strandsunderstanding, fluency, problem-solvingandreasoningare an integral part of mathematics content across the three content strands: number and algebra, measurement and geometry, and statistics and probability. The proficiencies reinforce the significance of working mathematically ...
Patterns & Algebra explore and describe number patterns resulting from performing multiplication Fractions investigate equivalent fractions used in contexts exploring the relationship between families of fractions by folding a series of paper strips to construct a fraction wall count by quarters halves ...
Algebra Calculus Differential Equations Differential-algebraic Equations Discrete Mathematics Evaluation Factorization and Solving Equations Finance Cash Flow Analysis Date Arithmetic Calendars Overview DayCounters Overview Example Worksheet AddHoliday AdjustDate AdvanceDate Calendar DayCount DayCounter DayOfWeek Evaluati...