Sales of book printing papers forthefinancial yearroseby 2% whilesalesofpackaging boards dropped by 14% compared with the previousfinancialyear. 本財政年度印 書用紙 銷售較 上個財 政年度上 升約2% ,而包 裝用紙銷售則較上個財政年度下降14% 。
//; HadISST2.2.0.0:; ERA-20C reanalysis:; and NOAA-20C version 3:
Remember the famous claims about the 'Arctic death spiral'? It seems their language is a bit more realistically moderated now that they've blown a couple of forecasts. Seasonal Arctic summer ice extent still hard to forecast, study says Will next year’s summer Arctic ice extent be high or ...
The availability of multiple individuals from one burial mounds allowed us to test genetic continuity on a micro-transect level. By focusing on two kurgans (Marinskaya 5 and Sharakhalsun 6) with four and five individuals, respectively, we observe that the genetic ancestry varied through time, al...
Except the Sydney trial (which is difficult to extrapolate), none of the RCT’s tested a diet with maximally 30 % energy from fat and 10 % energy from saturated fat. If the authors read the papers the cite, they should not have ignored this advice in ‘Which clinical studies provide the...
mails, perhaps grade more papers. If I don't have a meeting in which everyone sits with a computer or ipad in front of them, I might sit down to write an article such as this one on my computer, send it on the same device and expect a response from the publisher before day's ...
I’m none the wiser but these videos and papers were very entertaining. Please tell me if I have strayed too far off topic. Black Holes: the hackers of the universe? Vlatko Vedral: Everything is information
(HSV-1) carrying aCOL7A1gene, incorporated into an excipient gel. This gel is topically applied to the wounds once a week to restore COL7 levels. The repeated administration of beremagene geperpavec resulted in complete wound healing at 3 and 6 months (Guide et al.2022). The therapy has...
5874 Accesses 116 Citations 6 Altmetric Explore all metrics Abstract A list of 254 names of species and two names of varieties in Trichoderma with name or names against which they are to be protected, following the ICN (Melbourne Code, Art. 14.13), is presented for consideration by the Gen...
The influence that marketing for foods high in fat, salt, and/or sugar (HFSS) has on adolescents extends beyond a dose-response relationship between exposure and consumption. It is also important to explore how marketing shapes or reinforces product/brand attitudes, and whether this varies by de...