·不仅是书本,利用日常生活中可以接触到的一切文字媒介(杂志,小报等),培养孩子批判性思维习惯,鼓励他们表达自己的观点。 今天我们要和Natasha老师一起来学习英国小学Year3年级的英文Reading课程,通过课程的学习,从阅读内容到理解其中的意思最终答出题目的答案,让...
·不仅是书本,利用日常生活中可以接触到的一切文字媒介(杂志,小报等),培养孩子批判性思维习惯,鼓励他们表达自己的观点。 今天我们要和Natasha老师一起来学习英国小学Year3年级的英文Reading课程,通过课程的学习,从阅读内容到理解其中的意思最终答出题目的答案,让孩子真正全面提升语言能力。 先让我们来回顾一下上节课程的...
今天我们要和Natasha老师一起来学习英国小学Year3年级的英文Reading课程,通过阅读《刺猬》这篇Nonfiction内容,与老师的互动跟读、话题讨论、叙述或描述故事情节等,从阅读中实现(Read to Learn),让孩子真正全面提升语言应用能力。 先让我们来回顾一下上节课程的内容! 主要是一些新词汇的知识。 在阅读中获取新词汇,并积累...
* This is part of HarfBuzz, a text shaping library. * Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without * license or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify, and distribute this * software and its documentation for any purpose, provided that the ...
英国小学阅读教学并不单纯看中阅读速度和数量,更着重构建阅读和思考之间的关系。 Reading阅读理解课程,不是让孩子们机械地读书、背诵,而是要做到有认知、有分析、有思考,让孩子从小养成在阅读中锻炼思维的习惯,最终实现Reading to Learn,Learn to Reading 的效果 。
When I explained my role as the festival’s literary explorer in residence and how it had come out of this project and my first book,Reading the World, he exclaimed: ‘I just had that book in my hand!’ It turned out he had picked it up in the festival’s bookshop and checked the...
Thisyear of reading nothing new, however, I am relaxing my month rule slightly and taking the opportunity to return to a few of the stories that have stayed in my mind over the years. The first of these isA Meal in Winterby Hubert Mingarelli, translated from the French by Sam Taylor. ...
ReadingThe Belly of the Atlanticmade me reflect on many things. It reminded me of the valuable way stories from elsewhere can disrupt, problematise and reshape the narratives that surround us. It also helped me remember how important older books are in anchoring us and counteracting the kneejer...
The OS sub-scales have previously been used in the What Works Clearinghouse's intervention report (WWC, 2013) to assess their beginning reading domains: Alphabets: Letter Identification, Word Reading; Reading Fluency: Text Reading Level (Raw or Scale Score); Reading Ability: Concepts About Print,...
3 Reading Ambiance Recently, my favorite reading tech habit is putting on ambiance to listen to while I read. YouTube has endless reading ambiance options, including high fantasy castles, dark academia libraries, and beaches. I typically choose ambiance videos that have a mix of rain and thund...