This work is a complete, comprehensive and progressive teaching and learning programme. It is for children sitting 11+, SATs, common entrance and scholarship examinations. Arranged in a topic by topic format, it adopts a more traditional approach. A unique code is used covering Information, ...
英国CGP KS2 Maths Workout - Year 3【中商原版】 优惠价¥26 价格¥26 发货地:广东 佛山满1000减60满600减40满300减15满1600减100淘金币可抵3%每300减3026 元 去天猫购买中华商务图书专营店 进入天猫店铺 声明:此商品数据来源由淘宝官方接口提供,所有交易过程在淘宝或天猫与第三方卖家进行,本网站不参与交易...
英国CGP KS2 Maths Workout - Year 3 又日新 优惠价¥28价格¥28 发货地:广东 佛山 28元 去天猫购买 又日新图书专营店 进入天猫店铺 声明:此商品数据来源由淘宝官方接口提供,所有交易过程在淘宝或天猫与第三方卖家进行,本网站不参与交易,如有交易产生的疑问请联系天猫卖家【又日新图书专营店】,如需删除此页面...
This Pupil Book: * Guarantees progression with colour-coded levelling and level boosters to help pupils work at the right level and progress with ease. * Enables pupils to develop vital functional skills and put maths into context with the help of the integrated functional maths questions and exc...
6. Place Value - Work with basic concepts of place value involving amounts of tens and ones in two digit numbers 7. Counting and Comparison - Count to 120 and compare and order numbers two digit numbers based understanding of place value 8. Time - Read and set time in hours and half-...
Maths for 11-year-olds at secondary school: start early! Once secondary school starts and the workload ramps up, there’ll be less time to revisit the basics of written calculation. So make sure you revise the formal written methods for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division now wh...
10. Money - Work with money coins to count money and solve problems involving money amounts 11. Measurements - Measure and estimate lengths of objects in customary and metric units 12. Data - Represent and interpret data in up to 4 categories using line plots, picture graphs and bar graphs...
UKMT Junior Maths Challenge Thirty-five students from Dulwich College Shanghai Puxi enthusiastically participated in the UKMT Junior Mathematical Challenge, earning a total of 21 awards: 5 Bronze, 5 Silver, and 11 Gold. CREST...
maths, and I'm still not good at maths, but that's why I went down the arts road as well." 1 in 3 students were influenced by past teachers in their university choices "I did Methods in year 11 and I had the worst teacher in the world, and I knew that she was the only one ...
"Perhaps in some subjects, it might work – I'm thinking more of the sciences or maths – but subjects which are essay-based, especially English, politics, religious education, history, they are things where you need an opinion and being fed information by one person, I don...